Monday, July 6, 2009

Ten Skills Every Dad Needs

For centuries the mission of a man has been to provide, protect, serve, and love his wife and his children. In the past few years, thanks to shifts in our culture he is also expected to understand “feelings,” discern emotional nuances, be some type of manly man who is sensitive, caring and understanding.
Men still struggle to figure out what they need to be for the women in their lives, but one thing is for sure, men and women are created equal, they are not interchangeable. Yes, a majority of the tasks involved in raising children can be equally done by Angelina and Brad. However; there are components of child rearing that require the unique imprint of a man or a woman. We are hardwired to look at life in different ways, it is in our genes.

Ten Skills Every Dad Needs:
  1. A love for God
  2. Courage
  3. The ability to tinker
  4. A love and respect for nature
  5. How money works
  6. A desire to work
  7. The ability to laugh
  8. The ability to lead yourself
  9. Showing your daughters hoe to expect to be treated
  10. Teaching your son how to treat ladies

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