Sunday, November 16, 2008

Practical Parenting Tips

Parents seem so frustrated today!

Parents of preschoolers have all but forgotten the days of communication and and intimacy. School aged children can run parents ragged with all of the things that occupy their day. Finally, parents of tweenagers (10-12) and teenagers do have a mental illness. It starts when the firstborn child hits puberty and ends when the baby is thirty.

My wife and I survived it and so can you.

If you feel like having children has eaten away at your brain come and you need some relief come here what I have to say about it.

Next Sunday, November 23rd, I will be teaching at Destiny Center Church in Rio Rancho, NM. I will be teaching on Practical Parenting Tips in all of the Sunday services.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Building Good Communication into Your Relationships

Have you ever noticed that you have to be intentional to have good communications in any relationship?

Do you tend to be the historian or the hysterical one?
My pastor, Todd Cook, is an excellent communicator. This week, he was teaching on how to enhance your relationship skills.

Recently a reporter friend of mine asked, "What is the cause of most marital breakups?" She looked surprised by my answer. I said, "Bitterness." I continued, "Bitterness being poisoned by the anger and hurt that you will not let go of." She looked away, somewhat embarrassed, and then turned back to me and said, "That is exactly what happened in my marriage. I just wouldn't let it go."

As a counselor, I make a living helping people build up their relationships, and in yesterday's message (my wife and I do the Saturday church thing) Todd hit a home run.

Here is a very brief review of his message:
Immature Ways of Communication
1. Verbal Retaliation
2. Withdrawal
3. The "Blame Game"
4. Threats

The Cure -Stop the Insanity
1. Look Up
2. Open Up
3. Give it Up.

Check out his podcast.

My article Fair Fighting has some practical tips that you can use to enhance your communication skills, take a look and let me know what you think.

Jesus said it best, "Do to others as you would have them do to you." Luke 6:31